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Pristina Serena™ 3D Biopsy - Digital Mammography

Reference: 1420
Type: Capital Savings
Start Date: 29 January 2025
Expiry Date: 31 March 2025

In line with the forthcoming changes to the breast screening guidelines, GE Healthcare is offering a 20% discount on the GE Healthcare Pristina Serena™ 3D Biopsy system, when purchased through NHS Supply Chain.

The GE Healthcare Pristina Serena™ 3D is the stereotactic biopsy upgrade option for the Senographe Pristina™ full field digital mammography system. The Pristina Serena™ is an add-on option designed to simply slide onto the Senographe Pristina™ gantry.

This system can provide guidance to perform fine needle aspiration, core biopsy, vacuum assisted biopsy or hookwire placement procedures in upright or recumbent positions. The Pristina Serena™ adapts to the patient, not the patient to the system.

A Flexible biopsy device orientation (horizontal and vertical), combined with gantry and/or patient position provide a large flexibility in lesion approach. Experience remarkable image quality throughout the biopsy procedure and confidently send the tissue samples to pathology.

The Serena biopsy platform is a single solution to all imaging aspects of a biopsy procedure potentially saving space, time and money while improving overall procedure workflow.

The Pristina Serena™ 3D features a universal grid, that makes lesions conspicuity the same in biopsy as in routine images.

Features and Benefits

  • Tube Parking position at -33° and +33° allows easy access to the breast during the biopsy procedure.
  • The tube park position increases visibility of the workspace. It provides complete access during the biopsy procedure and reduces physical strain of the radiologist.
  • With Pristina biopsy, a biopsy procedure can be performed in <15min.
  • The near silence of Pristina Serena™ and its biopsy positioner provides a calm environment to the patient.
  • Lesions located up to 1cm above the paddle can be biopsied.
  • The ability to easily change the biopsy device orientation (from vertical to horizontal) without decompressing the patient may accelerate the exam.
  • Remote angulation minimises technologist travel during procedure, reducing exam time.
  • The short distance (<5 mm) between detector and the edge of the breast support facilitate biopsies of lesions located close to chest wall.
  • A laser light is included to serve as a guidance aid for an accurate anaesthesia injection.
  • Touchscreen display conceived to work intuitively in the three axis for targeting (X,Y,Z) and can be placed in both sides of the system to adapt the working position.

This offer is over and above the standard discount available through the NHS Supply Chain framework agreement. The discount is a fixed term offer. All orders must be placed before 31 March 2025.

For more information, please contact

Sarah Whittaker

Category Manager – Digital Mammography, DEXA and Lithotripsy

Carrwood Park

07971 234 999
