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SenoBright™ HD Contrast- Enhanced Spectral Mammography (CESM) - Digital Mammography

Reference: 1417
Type: Capital Savings
Start Date: 29 January 2025
Expiry Date: 31 March 2025

In line with the forthcoming changes to the breast screening guidelines, GE Healthcare is offering a 20% discount on GE Healthcare’s SenoBright™ HD CESM upgrade, when purchased through NHS Supply Chain.

The GE Healthcare SenoBright™ HD CESM is an optional upgrade to the Senographe Pristina™ system and can be used as an alternative to breast MRI to enhance the breast care pathway. With high specificity and sensitivity you can reduce the number of unnecessary biopsies and surgeries.

The SenoBright™ HD CESM application shall enable contrast heightened breast imaging using a dual energy technique. This imaging technique can be used as an adjunct following mammography and ultrasound exams to localise a known or suspected lesion.

The SenoBright™ HD CESM enables providers to see lesions using CESM and sample with certainty.

The SenoBright™ HD CESM chooses filtering materials depending on the operating mode and the exposure levels necessary. For the high-energy acquisition, a proprietary multi-layer filter is used to shape the resulting energies of the X-ray spectrum to those
required to best highlight iodine.
The system allows for high throughput: 30 CESM exams can be
acquired over a typical eight hour working day.

Features and Benefits

  • Helps reduce the masking effect of fibroglandular breast tissue and increases the tumour signal.
  • Contrast agent highlights areas of unusual blood flow.
  • CESM is an alternative imaging method to MRI, especially when MRI availability is limited, and for patients for whom MRI is contraindicated.
  • Find lesions that cannot be seen on routine mammography.
  • Provide high specificity for low false-positives.
  • With Nira, overall image quality was better assessed in more than 98% of the images presented by all the readers.
  • Expand to a large population of women who can access this technology for equitable care.
  • Reduce wait time for women to get to a confident diagnosis.
  • Target the 43% of patients who would not come back for follow-up.

This offer is over and above the standard discount available through the NHS Supply Chain framework agreement. The discount is a fixed term offer. All orders must be placed before 31 March 2025

For more information, please contact

Sarah Whittaker

Category Manager – Digital Mammography, DEXA and Lithotripsy

Carrwood Park

07971 234 999
