Serena Bright™ Contrast Enhanced Spectral Mammography (CESM) Biopsy - Digital Mammography
Type: Capital Savings Start Date: 29 January 2025
Expiry Date: 31 March 2025
In line with the forthcoming changes to the breast screening guidelines, GE Healthcare is offering a 13.9% discount on the GE Healthcare Serena Bright™ CESM biopsy system when purchased through NHS Supply Chain.
GE Healthcare’s Serena Bright™ is a CESM guided biopsy for Senographe Pristina™ and utilises contrast-spectral mammography to clearly target and biopsy lesions without leaving the mammography suite.
The Serena Bright™ combines the clarity of contrast-enhanced imaging with the versatility of the Serena biopsy platform for a clear path forward for patient care. The Serena Bright™ option provides the three-dimensional location of target lesions, using information obtained from stereotactic pairs of two-dimensional X-ray images acquired with CESM under the same breast compression.
This information provides guidance for a variety of minimally invasive or interventional procedures in the breast such as vacuum assisted biopsy, core biopsy, pre-surgical localisation (e.g. hookwire), and Fine Needle Aspirations (FNA). CESM-Biopsy application is indicated for patients with suspicious lesions only seen with certainty when imaged with a contrast agent or that do not have a definite correlate on mammography or ultrasound.
The Serena Bright™ enables providers to see lesions using contrast-enhanced mammography (CEM) and sample with certainty. This allows patients to undergo breast biopsy exams using the same mammography equipment, in a familiar setting, with familiar staff, to help relieve some of the stress of a biopsy procedure.
Features and Benefits
- Fast procedure – CEM biopsy can be done within 15 minutes.
- Patient preferred – 2 out of 3 patients prefer CEM to MRI.
- Lower cost – MRI diagnostic with biopsy is 51% more costly than CEM diagnostic and biopsy.
- Ergonomics designed for technologist – user can switch between standard mammography and spectral mammography mode during the same exam session.
- The near silence of Pristina and its biopsy positioner provides a calm environment to the patient.
- Remote angulation reduces technologist workflow during the procedure, reducing exam time.
- A laser light is included to serve as a guidance aid for an accurate anaesthesia injection.
- Designed to operate intuitively in the three axes for targeting (X,Y,Z), the touchscreen may be placed on either side of the Serena system to match the work space of the technologist or radiologist during the biopsy exam.
This offer is over and above the standard discount available through the NHS Supply Chain framework agreement. The discount is a fixed term offer. All orders must be placed before 31 March 2025.
For more information, please contact
Sarah Whittaker
Category Manager – Digital Mammography, DEXA and Lithotripsy
Carrwood Park
07971 234 999

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Mammography Imaging Systems and Associated Options and Related Services
The framework agreement for the supply of Mammography Imaging Systems and Associated Options and Related Services.