Michelle Johnson, National Clinical Executive Director: My First 100 Days
Firstly, I cannot quite believe I have been working with NHS Supply Chain for three months. I thought it would be a good pause to reflect on my experience and thoughts for the future.
I have been extremely grateful for the kind welcome I have received and answers to my relentless questions! I have learned so much which I am using to think about how our work can enhance the impact to patients and NHS clinical colleagues across all we do.
On reflection, I have realised that after a long career as a nurse, my understanding was limited in how medical devices and products ended up in my hospitals and community settings. I took such a lot for granted and, if I am honest, was quick to be critical when it wasn’t running smoothly.
As I have settled and become more established in my role, I am focusing on shaping our vision for clinical and patient care quality.
Patient focus
In the past three months I have gained a good understanding of the varied roles of my clinical colleagues at NHS Supply Chain. They are working in partnership with our procurement, logistics and customer engagement colleagues to bring a unique patient focus. Collectively they have a wealth and depth of expertise and years of experience across many areas of healthcare which is valuable and unique to NHS Supply Chain.
Looking more broader, we have a responsibility to contribute to the Greener NHS agenda from a clinical procurement perspective. We will look to support the NHS England Chief Medical Officer (CMO) and Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) in achieving their green strategies and ambitions. It has been recognised that nurses and midwives have the greatest opportunity to make the biggest impact on reducing waste and maximising a more sustainable and circular economy approach to healthcare.
Informed choices
One of my priorities is to maximise the opportunities to provide data and evidence to the NHS on clinical product usage and provide support to recognise unwarranted variation that exists. Clinically and commercially, I will support our colleagues in the NHS to make informed choices that deliver better effective and cost-efficient care. There are good examples within NHS Supply Chain where this has been achieved and areas identified where more can be done.
Reducing health inequalities
Finally, a golden thread throughout NHS Supply Chain will be my focus on reducing health inequalities in healthcare products. There is so much to do with some excellent pockets of good practice which can be expanded. This is an area of healthcare I am passionate about.
Joining NHS Supply Chain has made me much more ambitious about how medical devices and products can lead change within the NHS. I am really looking forward to the future to realise my ambition to be clinically led to put patients first.