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Our Podcast

30 October 2024

Podcast recording in action, with participants sat around a table in discussion.

Our Podcast

This series takes you behind the scenes at NHS Supply Chain. Hear from NHS senior leaders to clinicians and industry experts, as they give you an inside look at how we are working together to support the NHS.

Episode 4 – Focus on Chefs Academy

To celebrate four years of Chefs Academy, in this podcast, hosted by our very own Idrees Anwar, you’ll hear from two NHS chefs, Andy Berry and Gill Owen, on their Chefs Academy experience and how it has shaped their culinary journeys since.

You’ll hear from:

  • Idrees Anwar, Lead Dietitian, NHS Supply Chain: Food.
  • Gill Owen, Chef, The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust.
  • Andy Berry, Chef Supervisor, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust.

Episode 3 – The Importance of Innovation

In this episode you’ll hear from our Innovation team on the importance of innovation and the benefits it brings to the NHS. You’ll hear about how our Innovation team is aligned with the wider healthcare system and how we can help accelerate the introduction of innovation into the NHS and the key role of Value Based Procurement.

You’ll hear from:

  • Michaela Russell, Innovation Manager.
  • Fay Allen, Innovation Manager.
  • Tom Outram, Clinical Advisor, Value Based Procurement.

Episode 2 – Supporting Healthcare Priorities

In this episode you’ll hear reflections from Sir Jim Mackey about the priorities for the NHS in the coming months. You’ll also learn about how we are working in partnership with the NHS and how supporting high quality, safe patient care is the driving force behind their plans for the future.

Our episode panel includes:

  • Sir Jim Mackey, Chair of the NHS Supply Chain National Advisory Board.
  • Heather Tierney-Moore, Chair NHS Supply Chain.
  • Andrew New, CEO NHS Supply Chain.

Episode 1 – Why Our Clinicians Are Fundamental to Meet the Clinical Needs of the NHS

To help celebrate International Nurses’ Day we have brought together three clinicians, from different parts of NHS Supply Chain, for our first ever podcast.

You’ll hear from:

  • Tracey Cammish, Patient Safety and Clinical Intelligence Lead
    (Previously Critical Care Sister).
  • Fay Allen, Innovation Specialist
    (Previously Ward Sister Male Urology Emergency and surgical admissions).
  • Linda Saunders, National Clinical Engagement and Implementation Manager for Ophthalmology(Previously Ophthalmic Theatre Sister).