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Patient Temperature Management

Type: New Contract Category: Medical and Surgical Consumables Reference: 2023/S 000-004569 Supply Route: Stocked, Blue Diamond, eDirect
Start Date: 20 November 2023 Expiry Date: 19 November 2025

The framework for Patient Temperature Management starts on 20 November 2023, runs for 24 months and ends on 19 November 2025. There is an option to extend for an additional 24 months.

This framework will offer a choice of brands for patient warming, cooling and temperature sensor products, with 476 products from 19.

Studies show that warming patients and maintaining a core temperature of 36ºC or higher helps improve outcomes by reducing the frequency of complications often associated with unintended hypothermia. Keeping patients warm throughout perioperative periods facilitates increased wound healing, more rapid recovery from anaesthetic, and a speedier return to normal.

Cooling solutions are also available for maintaining the required body temperature.

There are five lots on this new framework:

  • Lot 1 – Forced air patient warming blankets
  • Lot 2 – Blood and fluid warming equipment and consumables
  • Lot 3 – Patient temperature management equipment
  • Lot 4 – Passive equipment
  • Lot 5 – Temperature sensors and probes

Savings opportunities

The framework provides a National Pricing Matrix (NPM) from a number of suppliers, which will allow savings opportunities for customers who are able to consolidate their purchasing.

If you are interested in making savings via the NPM, please speak to your ICS Manager. Also, further NPMs will be available post Go Live.

Social value

From April 2022 all of our frameworks have adopted the Procurement Policy Notice 06/20.

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  • Framework Matrices

    An Excel file showing the products that are included in this framework and those that have been removed.
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