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National Pricing Matrices – Capital Equipment

What is a National Pricing Matrix?

A National Pricing Matrix (NPM) is offered at the discretion of the supplier on selected products or frameworks (contracts). Each NPM allows a customer to benefit from a discounted pricing structure from a supplier in return for either a value or volume commitment, for an agreed time period.

NHS Supply Chain supports and facilitates the NPM process from start to finish ensuring compliance and reporting.

NPMs for Large Diagnostic Capital Medical Equipment

How do they work?

  • All suppliers on the framework are given the opportunity to put forward their best discounted pricing for an individual customer, based on the volumes purchased in a single transaction. This discount will be for the duration of the contract.
  • These discounts are over and above the standard pricing on the individual framework agreements.
  • Our trading and capital planners can support you to aggregate spend and create the best savings available.

Volume discounts – these savings are in addition to any other savings, generated on Large Diagnostic Capital Equipment, either for one trust alone (via upfront discount pricing or committed purchase orders to a supplier upfront), or Multi-Trust Aggregation (these savings are generated via a combined trust commitment to an agreed volume of equipment on dates outlined in our calendar).

Value discounts – discounts for customers are created through an agreed value of purchase on Capital Equipment, rather than a committed volume.

How do I sign up for an NPM?

  • Please contact a member of our Large Diagnostic Capital Customer facing team to find out more on these savings opportunities. See our Useful Links section to view contact details for the team.

We’ve separated a range of up to 30 supporting documents, available to customers following log in. They’re arranged in alphabetical order and most are in the ‘Imaging’ category.

NPMs for Diagnostic, Pathology and Therapy Technologies and Services

How do they work?

  • All suppliers on the framework are given the opportunity to put forward their best discounted pricing for an individual customer, based on the volumes purchased in a single transaction.
  • Some frameworks also offer discounts for the same items purchased across multiple transactions.
  • These discounts are over and above the standard pricing on the individual framework agreements.

Volume discounts
These savings are in addition to any other savings. Some frameworks offer discounts for a single customer, single purchase only, whereas other frameworks offer multi-PO discounts and/or multi-customer discounts. Please see individual NPMs for further details.

NPMs – Therapy Technologies Capital Equipment

How do I sign up for an NPM?

Contact us to find out more on these savings opportunities. A member of our Procurement Delivery or Category team will be able to support you on receipt of your request. Please contact us by sending an email to