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Renal Buying Guide

Renal replacement therapies are used within secondary care and within patient homes to support renal function through dialysis or continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT). Our Renal Replacement Therapies Services, Technologies and Consumables framework includes chronic dialysis equipment, supplies and services, as well as equipment and supplies for acute renal care.

There are three Lots on this framework covering the following product areas. Lot 1 is split into three sub-Lots:


Dialysis Consumables and Equipment

Covers all types of equipment for utilisation in a trust environment, including haemodialysis (HD) equipment and consumables, and peritoneal dialysis (PD) consumables and capital equipment. These items are used to treat chronic kidney disease.


Home Dialysis Service

HD equipment and consumables are delivered directly to the patient at home. A therapy billing package includes the cost of this home delivery service.


Home Peritoneal Dialysis Service

PD equipment and consumables are delivered directly to the patient at home. A therapy billing package includes the cost of this home delivery service.


Continuous Renal Replacement (CRRT) and Plasma Therapies

CRRT and Apheresis equipment, consumables and associated products, used to treat patients with acute kidney injury in an ICU setting. This may also be referred to as haemofiltration.


Managed Service

This Lot covers the provision of managed haemodialysis services, where HD services are outsourced to private providers where it is more appropriate.

The procurement of this framework was undertaken following engagement with various stakeholders.

A compliant contracting solution for NHS trusts, improvements include:

  • Cost per treatment pricing
  • Whole life cost models
  • Commitment discounts
  • Ability to buy individual items through our online catalogue
  • A Carbon Reduction Plan (CRP) available from all awarded suppliers
  • Option to award a managed service through the framework to awarded suppliers
  • Inclusion of Therapeutic Apheresis and Plasma Therapies
  • Supportive of Getting it Right First Time (GIRFT) targets of getting 20% of patients dialysing at home
  • Social value criteria formed part of the evaluation – suppliers are committed to supporting customers with their requirements on selected themes.

The 26 suppliers on the framework offer an extensive range of high quality products to help drive innovation and deliver savings.

The procurement of this framework was undertaken following extensive engagement with various stakeholders including GIRFT, trade bodies, customers and suppliers to deliver a compliant contracting solution for the NHS trusts.

The framework agreement for this area is part of our Diagnostics Equipment and Services category.

With Objective Conditions, Framework Pricing and various Discount Models customers can use the option to Direct Award Call-Off their purchases and contracts.

Customers may elect to conduct a Further Competition where their specific requirements for goods and services, including managed services, are not defined in the framework agreement (but are covered within the scope of the specification).

See our Downloads ▼ section for:

  • Renal Product Category Matrix – An Excel file giving an indication of products areas available within each Lot category and the suppliers that supply against each of these areas.
A typical renal treatment ward

An improved way to purchase renal replacement products and services.

This page provides an overview of how we can support you with your purchasing requirements for Renal Replacement Therapies Services, Technologies and Consumables.

Purchasing through the framework

The framework can be used in a number of ways (in accordance with Regulation 19 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and any subsequent amendment of re-enactment thereof) by either ‘calling-off’, or by re-opening competition and running a Further Competition exercise amongst suppliers within one of the framework’s categories.

We have an established process for each procurement route which allows access to the products and services you require. There are three procurement options:

  • Catalogue purchases
  • Direct Award
  • Further Competition.

See our Useful Links section for an overview of the different procurement routes on our Ways to Purchase Diagnostic, Pathology, Dental and Therapy Products and Service page.

Where you have a requirement for tailored and precise requirements or a large consolidation of spend, you may wish to undertake a Further Competition exercise amongst suppliers within one of the framework’s categories.

LotCatalogue PurchaseDirect AwardFurther Competition
Lot 1.1XXX
Lot 1.2XX
Lot 1.3XX
Lot 2XXX
Lot 3X

This table shows the procurement routes for each Lot.

Purchasing through the framework – Direct Award process and timelines

The process and timelines vary dependent on the requirements. For example, if your requirement is to purchase a haemodialysis machine and you know the make and model, or have a quotation from a supplier that requires validating, we can quickly refer to our framework listing of products and issue you a Unique Reference Number (URN). We can also provide pricing for placed deals, where equipment costs are amortized into the cost of the consumables.

For consumables, please speak with the relevant member of our Hospital Care team for your region, who will be able to provide you with the latest documentation for us to complete a product match. Completion of our product match template is a mandatory requirement for all product match requests and allows us to carry out a product match against specific products and their Manufacture Product Codes (MPC). See our Useful Links section to find the contact details for our Hospital Care team

Home services can also be purchased under the Framework. In order to progress your requirement, we will simply need the name of the supplier currently being used, and an estimated annual contract value. We can then send you the relevant call-off paperwork, along with a URN, in order for you to set up your contract with the supplier.

Please note:

  • Where you do not have a chosen supplier, or wish to explore the market, you will need to conduct a Further Competition under the Framework.
  • Due to the highly variable nature of the requirements, Direct Award is not available for Managed Services.

We understand the importance of providing a quick and easy ordering process for our customers. We have a range of templates, documents and guidance materials.

Purchasing through the framework – Further Competition process and timelines

If you decide you wish to complete a Further Competition under the framework, we have a range of templates and resources to guide you through the process. These cover the process from specification through to Invitation to Tender (ITT), including guidance material and are available on request. Please contact:

The average time that it takes to complete a Further Competition varies greatly as it is mainly down to the preparation of the documents which are completed by the customer. We can discuss your project and the relevant timelines with you when you are ready to initiate the project.

See our Useful Links section for further information on the Roles and Responsibilities for a Further Competition.

Managed Services (MS) are available under this Framework via Further Competition only. 

Managed Services are a flexible and specialised partnership with a private sector service provider, to provide trusts access to innovative medical technology and equipment. The partnership typically covers a period of 5-15 years (sometimes longer), for a fixed annual fee. 

Most MS providers will manage all of the trust’s equipment concerns such as:

  • ownership (Title Retention)
  • provision (initial and ongoing equipment/upgrades)
  • capital purchase
  • installation and commissioning
  • provision of consumables; user training, (initial and ongoing)
  • asset management
  • maintenance and ongoing replacement. planned preventative and corrective). 

More information about our framework and how the tender was evaluated

The procurement process we undertook was based upon an open tendering procedure as detailed in PCR 2015 where evaluation involved the following stages:

Process flow diagram showing evaluation stages for suppliers to be awarded onto our renal replacement therapies framework

The award element of the evaluation was subsequently carried out based on the following criteria:

Lots 1 and 2:

  • Quality 40%
  • Financial 60%

Lot 3:

  • Quality 70%
  • Financial 30%

The total quality score added to the financial score gave the grand total of points and a position on the framework was awarded to all suppliers meeting the 50% overall threshold within each Lot.

During the tender extensive pricing and discount structures were captured from all the suppliers for both evaluated lines and additional lines.

Social value criteria formed part of the tender. We advise customers to reach out to our category team to find out further information on how it could be applicable to your individual needs.

Please note: If you are looking to carry out Further Competition these thresholds can be changed to meet your individual requirements.

Next steps and support

If you are interested in purchasing renal replacement therapies services, technologies or consumables through our framework then please get in touch and we will be happy to talk you through the process and answer any questions you may have.

For queries related to consumables and product matches please contact your regional member of our Hospital Care team.

For all other enquiries or to purchase via a Direct Award or Further Competition please complete our enquiry form and we will be in touch.

In addition to the various documents, templates and further information outlined in this guide, we can also provide:

  • Commitment Discount Letters – These can be provided in order to facilitate volume discount arrangements and are available on request by by sending an email to
  • Call-Off Contracts – These will be issued by us upon award of any Direct Award or Further Competition process. Both you and your successful supplier will be given the opportunity to review and sign.

Downloads ▼

  • Renal Product Category Matrix

    An Excel file giving an indication of products areas available within each Lot and sub Lot category and the suppliers that supply against each of these areas.