Benefits of Our HDS Service
Imagine a home delivery continence service that will allow your clinical team to focus more of their time on patient care, in addition to improving savings and efficiencies for your trust.
Home Delivery Service (HDS) is an NHS Supply Chain bespoke service solution that we offer to NHS providers, specifically designed to support NHS Community Bladder and Bowel teams to meet the needs of NHS patients.
HDS enables NHS trusts or individual patients to place orders for continence products, patients will then receive delivery of these products at their home or care home.
Benefits of joining the NHS Supply Chain Home Delivery Service
Fulfilling over 400,000 patient level deliveries per year, our Home Delivery Service currently looks after over 60 NHS trust customers nationally and accounts for just over 43% of the continence home delivery market in England, a figure that is growing year on year.
- Fully ‘Patient Managed’ Service:
Our team will liaise directly with patients and care homes to fulfil product ordering and delivery supporting the trust throughout the life of the contract
- Dedicated HDS Customer Service Manager:
Leading a resilient and experienced team of over 50 Customer Service Advisors, providing in-house services for patients, care homes and your clinical team.
- ‘Delivery On Time’ KPI:
Consistently meeting this key target with 99.75% of deliveries on time.
- Fully Managed Onboarding Process:
Including a dedicated Implementation Manager to manage all aspects of the project.
- Single Point of Contact:
Your HDS Account Support Manager will provide quarterly financial and service data support throughout the period of your contract with NHS Supply Chain.
- HDS Contract Manager:
Overseeing all logistics from our third-party logistics partners.
- Clinically Assured Products:
Suppliers are all leading disposable continence product providers, bringing a wider range of patient choice and value.
- Proven Track Record:
Our method of delivering trust savings and service efficiencies is already well established.
Supporting the decision-making process
Our HDS Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) will work alongside you to support your trust throughout the decision-making process.
Your dedicated CRM will work with all key stakeholders taking you through the financials, product trials and added value services from suppliers to help you make the best value clinical and procurement decisions.
Want to find out more?
Please get in touch with either of our experienced Customer Relationship Managers. We would welcome an initial discussion to better understand your current service requirements and to discuss the potential savings and benefits of the NHS Supply Chain disposable continence products framework.
Matthew Hitchins
Home Delivery Service Business Manager
07702 826 351