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Strategy Opportunities (Innovation)

See our Downloads ▼ section to access our document – providing an overview of all guidance currently available for medical technology innovation opportunities and adoption. It will be updated monthly, please check back frequently.

This document will include:

  • Innovation available via the Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS).
  • NHSE MedTech Funding Mandate opportunities.
  • Value Based Procurement (VBP).
  • Novel Innovation and new areas to frameworks.

The guide is built to be used by a variety of roles – for example procurement professionals, clinical specialists, project improvement leads, finance managers and innovation leads.

It will help you to build work plans at a time suitable to you, highlighting different types of benefits that can be realised, and opportunities for improvement in some of the more challenging areas of your work.

We will continue to support you with this process, but have made this information available here to be accessed as and when you need it.

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Key features:

  • Products broken down to speciality areas, and patients in scope.
  • Product description.
  • Hyperlinks to NICE guidance, cost savings and case studies.
  • Links to NHS Supply Chain VBP and case studies.
  • Reference site details.
  • NPC codes.
  • Financial benefits.
  • Operational benefits.
  • Patient benefits.
  • Environmental benefits.
  • Key stakeholders.
  • Health Innovation Network (HIN) Lead if MedTech Funding Mandate (MTFM).
  • Additional resources.
  • Contact details (in addition to your Hospital Care Team – ICS Managers).

New updates in June 2024

See our Downloads ▼ section to access the full document. Each month, we’ll provide a high level summary of the latest updates here.

MedTech Funding Mandate

Product nameSpeciality areaCashable savingsNon-cashable savingsWider benefits – patientsWider benefits – environmental
AposHealth®MSK pathway% of patients will not need Total Knee Replacement and another % will require less support whilst waiting for operation.
Three year per patient saving £3,976.
Reduced number of patients joining waiting list.
Ability to help reduce existing waiting list.
Can be treated by MSK APH team out of hospital clinic.
Reduced pain.
Increased mobility and range of motion.
Increase in self care at home.
Improves pre-operative knee health if operation still required.
Reduction in number of patients who require surgery has environmental benefits from those procedures.

New innovation by framework launch

Product nameSpeciality areaCashable savingsNon-cashable savingsWider benefits – patientsWider benefits – environmental
HydroBubbleBubble Positive Expiratory Pressure treatment for respiratory patients.At least £200 per patient per year where the HydroBubble replaces the NHS traditional approach of using one litre sterile water bottle plus oxygen tube and then throwing it away.Reusable so treatment can continue on discharge.Increase in quality of treatment for very vulnerable patients.Reusable.
Saves money by reducing waste.
Helps with NHS zero carbon targets.
Kurin LockAll patients on sepsis pathway.Cost saving of £73 per person based on reduced length of stay, and reduced antibiotic usage. Improved efficiency in laboratories, reduced time spent on result calls from false positives.Improved patient experience, stopping treatment that is not required earlier.Reduction in use of consumables.
Phagenyx neuromodulation systemNeurogenic dysphagia , ITU, StrokeThe projected five year savings from treating just 30 patients per year is £562,483.
Non-surgical solution and not a traditional Implantable Pulse Generator (IPG). With this context, our target patients are acute post stroke or traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients suffering from neurogenic dysphagia and who may or may not require mechanical ventilation. Secondarily, there is a population of non-stroke patients who have peripheral desensitisation of the pharynx due to prolonged mechanical ventilation.
Earlier decannulation tracheostomy.
Earlier removal of feeding tubes.
Reduction in TPN or PEG feeding.
Reduction of infection risks from the same.
Decreased length of stay.
Move patient from ITU and mechanical ventilation to Standard care wards.
Swallowing difficulties affect over 50% of patients post-stroke.
In critical care, dysphagia affects up to 62%.
Dysphagia is linked to: malnutrition, dehydration, increased length of stay, higher mortality rates, aspiration pneumonia and reduced quality of life.
Alongside the physical impact of dysphagia, there are inevitable psycho-social consequences, embarrassment, low mood.
Improved quality of life.
Less consumables for PEG feeding and TPN.

Approved VBP

Product nameSpeciality areaCashable savingsNon-cashable savingsWider benefits – patientsWider benefits – environmental
OviTex Reinforced Biologic Tissue Matrix (Mesh)Abdominal surgery repair.Between £6,000 – £8,000 per revision (repeat surgery). Improved performance over traditional biological mesh devices.
Reduction in infection rates and treatment of Surgical Site Infections. Integrated repair with a superior tissue regeneration.
To date, no mesh failures with OviTEx recorded in the NHS.
Length of stay reduction.
Reduces risks and side effects and surgical complications.
Increase quality of life and recovery post-surgery
Reduced use of anaesthetic gases, less consumables due to no revision surgery.

Downloads ▼

  • Strategy Opportunities Document

    An Excel file showing the available opportunities, benefits, contact details and additional resources. Updated monthly. Last updated 5 July 2024.