Existing Suppliers
Weekly Sales Feeds
We are aware of a current data issue affecting some suppliers’ weekly sales feeds. These should be sent automatically, but if any weeks are missing from your report please reach out to your primary contact in the category team for the Contract (awarded framework agreement) to which you have been awarded. You will have been assigned a category contact as part of your award. They will be able to re-run the report for you and answer any queries about it.
See our Useful Links section for the customer-facing weekly updates about ‘TR Reports’.
NHS Supply Chain delivers procurement and logistics to the NHS.
All NHS Supply Chain suppliers have access to the Supplier Portal, an online system to support supplier management tasks such as:
- Viewing the stock position of your products
- Creating and running reports including customer demand and service levels
- Accessing key NHS Supply Chain contacts
- Creating Advance Shipment Notice (ASN) for the National Distribution Centre (NDC)
- Amending Blue Diamond and stock orders and confirmed eDirect deliveries.
See our Useful Links section for further information on the Supplier Portal.
See our Downloads ▼ section for:
- Code of Conduct – all of our suppliers are expected to adhere to the Supplier Code of Conduct.
- Data Standards Supplier Product Coding Policy – a policy describing GS1 as NHS Supply Chain’s preferred data coding standard for products.
- Supplier Requirements Guidance – Data Standards Product Coding. Guidance for suppliers to accompany our policy on GS1 as the preferred data coding standard for products.

Supplier Relationship Management team
The Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) team look after the active management of NHS Supply Chain’s suppliers to maximise value over the full relationship life cycle. We have a number of key suppliers where an enhanced approach to relationship management will deliver additional value and benefit to the NHS. The SRM team will focus on this group of key suppliers, working closely with our Category teams to deliver enhanced supplier relationship management.
By shaping the approach and process for interaction with suppliers, SRM provides a structure by which supplier relationships are defined, governed and improved to realise value in keeping with our strategic objectives, and for the mutual gain of both parties and improve processes and performance.
Contract and tender process
In order for a product to be listed in the NHS Supply Chain Catalogue, it must be procured through a compliant tender and, if successful, will be listed on a Framework Agreement under the respective Category teams.
NHS Supply Chain follows a compliant procurement process when purchasing goods for the NHS in accordance with Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR2015). This involves:
- Following procedure where spend is above the Public Contracts Regulations threshold
- Advertising all tender opportunities on Contracts Finder
- Advertising all tender opportunities in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU), which can be viewed on the Tenders Electronic Daily (TED) website.
Supplier eProcurement Portal (Jaggaer)
Suppliers need to access this website if they are going to be tendering for business with NHS Supply Chain.
The web-based system brings together a suite of collaborative tools that enable NHS Supply Chain and suppliers suppliers to conduct the strategic activities of the procurement lifecycle.
It provides a simple, secure and efficient means for managing tendering activities, reducing the time and effort required for both buyers and suppliers.
A Net Zero Supply Chain
Suppliers are key to supporting the NHS in meeting its sustainability targets, and in particular those focussing on reducing carbon emissions.
There are five supplier requirements that all suppliers must meet:
- Publication of a Carbon Reduction Plan
- A minimum of 10% Net Zero and Social Value weighting in all procurements
- Completion of an Evergreen Supplier Assessment
- Compliance with NHS England’s Supplier Roadmap
- Completion and maintenance of a Modern Slavery Assessment Tool (MSAT) as part of PPN 02/23.
See our Useful Links section to watch a series of short videos covering each of these requirements.
Category Contacts
We’re often contacted by existing suppliers who are looking for contact details for their product category area. Please view the relevant section on this website and select your category page.