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Gaining Access to Online Services

I am already a customer – how do I access online services?

To place orders using online ordering you will need a personal online login / account.

General access to our website and suite of Trust Reports (TR reports) requires an additional login / account.

The method of application and level of access will depend upon your organisation type.

Please note: all customer account applications are subject to a validation process, based on criteria of eligibility to access consumables procured for the NHS.

Online Catalogue and Ordering accounts

There are two different contact options for you, based on the type of organisation you work in.

Also on this page, we provide further information about joining our network of administrators of Online Catalogue and Ordering accounts (and an application process to become an administrator).

I work for a Non Acute, Devolved Authority or a Private organisation – ‘Out of Hospital Care’

Do you work for one of these ‘Out of Hospital Care’ organisation types?

  • Charities
  • Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs)
  • GP Surgeries
  • Not-for-profit Organisations
  • Service Providers to the NHS.

See our Useful Links section for more information if you do – contact our dedicated Out of Hospital Care Team to arrange your access to our Online Catalogue and Ordering system.

I work for a Hospital trust, Ambulance trust, Mental Health or Community trust

If you are an NHS trust customer and need access to our Online Catalogue and Ordering system, you will need to contact your Trust Administrator to set up your account.

Organisations that this applies to include:

  • Acute or Foundation NHS trusts
  • Ambulance NHS trusts
  • Community NHS trusts
  • Mental Health NHS trusts.

Our Online Catalogue and Ordering system provides pricing information, the ability to order products, change or view existing orders and complete other tasks relating to orders.

However, if you’re unsure who your Trust Administrator is, please contact your local ICS Manager in our ‘Hospital Care Team’. See our Useful Links section for more information.

Trust Administrator role

What is a Trust Administrator (TA)?

Trust Administrators manage and assume ultimate responsibility for setting up, authorising and facilitating end users who order products through us on behalf of their trust.

This includes:

  • Selecting the correct individuals (active staff)
  • Authorising appropriate level of systemic permissions for access to our Online Catalogue and Ordering system, online reports and our application for eDC terminal users.

Specific role responsibilities

Trust Administrators:

  • Act as the main point of contact for communication of IT issues and initiatives received from us, which should be cascaded to individuals with User Maintenance roles and in turn to end users.
  • Are responsible for proactively updating us of any Trust Administrators (including themselves) who are leaving and who need their role/status deleting or amending.
  • Are required to maintain their own internal register of system users for their organisation.
  • Are responsible for proactively deleting / amending end user accounts within their institution (excepting users who themselves hold the Trust Administrator role).
  • Have ultimate control of masking products within their organisation.

Apply to be a Trust Administrator

If you would like to become a Trust Administrator on behalf of your trust’s NHS Supply Chain account you will need to apply via our online form. Please make sure you have read and understood the information on this page before completing the form.

See our Useful Links section to find and complete the Trust Administrator application form.

What happens next?

Once you have submitted your application, we will review your request to be appointed as a Trust Administrator on behalf of your trust. We will use the information to verify your identity and obtain consent for you to be appointed as a Trust Administrator from within your trust. If that verification process is satisfactory we will confirm your appointment to this role.

Following confirmation of your appointment as Trust Administrator, you will be responsible for granting to, and removing access from, end users within your trust to the NHS Supply Chain eCommerce suite (Online ordering, eDC and website reporting). You will also be responsible for allocating to such end users, roles which enable them to perform their duties within the scope of the authority granted to them by the trust. As Trust Administrator you will be required to act in accordance with the internal legal, compliance and financial policies governing your trust.

Contact us

If you have any queries regarding applying to be a Trust Administrator, or need help completing the online form, please contact us:

Client Services Helpdesk

0203 341 6023

Login for website and Trust Reports

A website account will give you access to Trust Reports*, contract information, customer notices and other product news.

*Access to TR reports will only be granted after verification from a Trust Administrator or other nominated person within the organisation.

Require more assistance?

If you are unsure which account you require or are having difficulties applying, please contact us at:

Client Services Helpdesk

0203 341 6023