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MedTech Funding Mandate (MTFM) Update

29 November 2023 Webinar

NHS England are hosting a webinar on 29 November, 12noon – 1pm which will provide trusts with an overview of the updated #MTFM guidance and the technology to be supported in 2024/25.

The Med Tech Funding Mandate Policy is an NHS Long Term Plan commitment to get selected NICE-approved cost-saving devices, diagnostics, and digital products to NHS patients more quickly. 2021/22 marked the first year of the MedTech Funding Mandate Policy. To be supported by the MTFM, technologies must meet the policy’s three criteria and align with broader NHS England programmes (for example, Net Zero).

These criteria require that technologies:

Are effective: Demonstrated through positive NICE Medical Technology Guidance (MTG) or Diagnostic Guidance (DG)

Are cost-saving within three years: NICE modelling demonstrates a net saving within 3 years of implementing the technology, demonstrated by a published NICE resource impact template.

Are affordable to the NHS: The budget impact should not exceed £20 million nationally, in any of the first three years.

Register for the MedTech Funding Mandate webinar.
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