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National Advisory Board

15 April 2024 Online

Sir Jim Mackey, Chief Executive, The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is the Chair of the National Advisory Board which oversees four regional forums, North, Midlands and East, South and London.

The National Advisory Board meets quarterly following the Regional Advisory Forums, the next meeting is due to take place on 15 April 2024, with future meetings scheduled for;

  • 2 July 2024
  • 8 October 2024
  • 10 December 2024

At each meeting members discuss NHS Supply Chain performance, improvement plans, landscape changes and any issues highlighted by the regional forums.

The last meeting was held on 7 December 2023, topics of discussion included;

  • NHS Supply Chain Service Proposition
  • Feedback and Escalations from the Regions
  • NHSE Update
  • HCSA Update
  • Ensuring we are ahead of the plan