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Delisting Becton Dickinson Alaris® Signature Dedicated Pump Sets (ICN 2413)

Important Customer Notice Delisting

Ref: 2024/2413 ICN Number: 2413


  • Becton Dickinson (BD) has advised there will be a discontinuation of the Alaris® SE infusion pump sets by December 2024.
  • 12 BD sets are affected and will gradually be delisted from the catalogue once the stock has depleted.
  • FSB272 is already suspended and will be removed from the catalogue.
  • Please note six of the sets will be discontinued by June 2024:
Affected Products Supplier Code Alternative
FSB272 72103-0006 FSB854
FSB1068 72923E-0006 FSB866
FSB1188 11499817-09 FKA862
FSB267 72313-0006 FKA866
FSB2550 72304B FKA866
FSB270 72923-0006 FSB2540
  • The remaining six codes stock is available subject to intermittent supply until November 2024:
Affected Products Supplier Code Alternative
FKA880 72024EB NA
FKA862 71980B NA
FKA866 72504EB NA
FSB2540 72953B NA
FKA852 72643EB NA
FSB854 72103E-0006 NA


  • There are potential indirect alternatives for some of the products. These products are available to order through our online catalogue while stock is available.
  • See our Downloads ▼ section to access the customer letter and product listing for further information on the affected product codes and potential alternatives.
  • Customers are advised to review indirect alternatives; complete local stock take and consider looking at alternative pump options as the Beckton Dickinson signature pump will not be useable from December 2024.

Next Steps:   

  • Customers are advised to log into our website to view the potential indirect alternative products.
  • Beckton Dickinson has provided Customers with a letter outlining the changes which is available in the download section.
  • The indirect alternatives are also from the range being discontinued and are available while stocks last.
  • If you have any further questions, please contact your local NHS Supply Chain Customer Services Advisor

 Please note that due to the clinical nature of these alternative products, we advise you to consult your own clinical experts to ensure suitability for your organisations use of these products.

Downloads ▼

  • 2413 Beckton Dickinson Delisted Products with Alternatives 25 January 2024

    An Excel file showing the delisted products with alternatives for ICN 2413.
  • 2413 Beckton Dickinson Customer Letter 25 January 2024

    A PDF showing a Customer Letter for ICN 2413.