Supply Issues Mediplus Ltd Pessary Products (ICN 1939)
Important Customer Notice Resolved
- The supply issue with Pessary products from Mediplus is now resolved.
- FVC1161, FVC1155, FVC1156 and FVC274 are now available to order through our online catalogue.
- FVC103, FVC1160, FVC285 and FVC291 have been delisted.
- This ICN is now closed.
- The supply issue with Pessary products from Mediplus Ltd is continuing.
- Four product codes are now available to order through our online catalogue:
- FVC070, FVC1122, FVC1581 and FVC1585.
- Eight product codes remain suspended and unavailable to order:
- FVC103, FVC1155, FVC1156, FVC1160, FVC1161, FVC274, FVC285 and FVC291.
- Seven previously suspended product codes have now been delisted from our online catalogue.
- Eight product codes are now affected in total.
- Potential indirect alternative products are available to order through our online catalogue for some of the affected products. However, some of these products may also become subject to intermittent supply with the increase in demand.
- Please note there are no identified alternatives for FVC1160.
- Please also note, six delisted products have no identified alternatives:
- FVC127, FVC140, FVC141, FVC242, FVC271 and FVC378.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to access the product listing for further information on the affected product codes and potential alternatives.
- We do not currently have a resolution date for the supply issue. We will update this ICN as soon as we have further information.
- The supply issue with Pessary products from Mediplus Ltd has improved.
- 22 product codes are now available to order through our online catalogue:
- FVC071, FVC085, FVC086, FVC1121, FVC1283, FVC075, FVC1099, FVC1157, FVC1159, FVC160, FVC048, FVC058, FVC060, FVC1248, FVC1249, FVC1250, FVC1284, FVC1582, FVC1588, FVC1595, FVC241 and FVC279.
- Four further products codes are now suspended and unavailable to order:
- FVC103, FVC1122, FVC1585 and FVC291.
- 19 product codes are now affected in total.
- The affected product codes remain suspended and unavailable to order.
- Potential indirect alternative products are available to order through our online catalogue for some of the affected products. However, some of these alternative products may also become subject to intermittent supply with the increase in demand.
- Please note there are no identified alternatives for FVC1160, FVC127, FVC140, FVC141, FVC242, FVC271 and FVC378.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to access the product listing for further information on the affected product codes and potential alternatives.
- We do not currently have a resolution date for the supply issue and will update this ICN as soon as we have further information.
- The supply issue with Pessary products from Mediplus Ltd is continuing.
- 13 further product codes are now affected:
- FVC048, FVC058, FVC060, FVC1248, FVC1249, FVC1250, FVC1284, FVC1581, FVC1582, FVC1588, FVC1595, FVC24 and FVC279.
- 37 product codes are now affected in total.
- The affected product codes remain suspended and unavailable to order.
- Please note there are no alternative products available for 14 of the affected product codes:
- FVC071, FVC1160, FVC127, FVC140, FVC141, FVC242, FVC271, FVC378, FVC058 FVC060, FVC1248, FVC1249, FVC1250 and FVC1284.
- Potential indirect alternative products are available to order through our online catalogue for the remaining affected products. However, some of these products may also become subject to intermittent supply with the increase in demand.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to access the product listing for further information on the affected product codes and potential alternatives.
- We do not currently have a resolution date for the supply issue. We will update this ICN as soon as we have further information.
- The supply issue with Pessary products from Mediplus Ltd is continuing.
- One product code is now available to order from our online catalogue:
- FVC058 – Pessary Ring Silicone Flexible size 10 108mm.
- Seven further product codes are suspended and unavailable to order:
- FVC075, FVC1099, FVC1156, FVC1157, FVC1159, FVC1161 and FVC160.
- 24 product codes are now affected in total.
- All the affected product codes are suspended and unavailable to order.
- Please note there are no alternative products available for ten of the affected product codes:
- FVC071, FVC1160, FVC127, FVC140, FVC141, FVC242, FVC271, FVC378, FVC274 and FVC285.
- Potential indirect alternative products are available to order through our online catalogue for the remaining affected products. However, some of these products may also become subject to intermittent supply with the increase in demand.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to access the product listing for further information on the affected product codes and potential alternatives.
- The supply issue is now anticipated to be resolved by 15 February 2024.
- The supply issue with Pessary products from Mediplus Ltd is continuing.
- 15 product codes remain suspended and unavailable to order.
- Three product codes remain subject to intermittent supply.
- 18 product codes are affected in total.
- Please note there are no alternative products available for eight product codes:
- FVC071, FVC1160, FVC127, FVC140, FVC141, FVC242, FVC271, FVC058, FVC274, FVC285 and FVC378.
- Potential indirect alternative products are available to order through our online catalogue for the remaining affected products. However, some of these products may also become subject to intermittent supply with increased demand.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to access the product listing for further information on the affected product codes and potential alternatives.
- The supply issue is now anticipated to be resolved by 30 January 2024.
- The supply issue with Pessary products from Mediplus Ltd and Medicare Colgate Ltd is continuing.
- One product code is now available to order:
- FUI85006.
- Three product codes are now subject to intermittent supply:
- FVC058
- FVC070
- FVC285.
- 15 product codes remain suspended and unavailable to order.
- 18 product codes are now affected in total.
- Potential indirect alternative products are available to order through our online catalogue for the remaining affected products. However, some of these products may also become subject to intermittent supply with the increase in demand.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to access the product listing for further information on the affected product codes and potential alternatives.
- Please note there are no alternative products available for eleven product codes.
- FVC071, FVC1160, FVC127, FVC140, FVC141, FVC242, FVC271, FVC058, FVC274, FVC285 and FVC378.
- The supply issue is still anticipated to be resolved by 30 December 2023.
- The supply issue with Pessary products from Mediplus Ltd is continuing.
- Two product codes are now available to order:
- FVC1122 and FVC1588.
- Four further product codes are now affected and unavailable to order:
- FVC058, FVC070, FVC274 and FVC285.
- 14 product codes remain suspended and unavailable to order.
- One product code remains subject to intermittent supply:
- FUI85006.
- 19 product codes are affected in total.
- Please note there are no alternative products available for eight product codes:
- FVC071, FVC1160, FVC127, FVC140, FVC141, FVC242, FVC271, FVC058, FVC274, FVC285 and FVC378.
- Potential indirect alternative products are available to order through our online catalogue for the remaining affected products. However, some of these products may also become subject to intermittent supply with the increase in demand.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to access the product listing for further information on the affected product codes and potential alternatives.
- The supply issue is now anticipated to be resolved by 30 December 2023.
- The supply issue of pessary products with suppliers Mediplus Ltd and Medicare Colgate Ltd is improving.
- Three product codes are now available to order:
- FVC171, FVC048 and FVC318.
- 16 product codes are suspended and unavailable to order.
- Product code FUI85006 is subject to intermittent supply.
- 17 codes affected in total.
- There are no alternative products available for eight product codes:
- FVC071, FVC1160, FVC127, FVC140, FVC141, FVC242, FVC271 and FVC378.
- Potential indirect alternative products for the remaining suspended codes are available to order through our online catalogue for the affected products. However, some of these products may also become subject to intermittent supply with the increase in demand.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to access the product listing for further information on the affected product code and potential alternatives.
- The supply issue is now anticipated to be resolved by 30 November 2023.
- The supply issue of Pessary Products with multiple suppliers is improving.
- FVC100, FVC1264, FVC1581 and FVC317 are now available to order through our online catalogue.
- 12 product codes are available but are now subject to intermittent supply.
- Eight product codes remain suspended and unavailable to order:
- FVC071, FVC1160, FVC127, FVC140, FVC141, FVC242, FVC271 and FVC378.
- 20 codes are affected in total.
- There are no alternative products available for eight product codes:
- FVC071, FVC1160, FVC127, FVC140, FVC141, FVC242, FVC271 and FVC378.
- Potential indirect alternative products for the remaining suspended codes are available to order through our online catalogue. However, some of these products may also become subject to intermittent supply with the increase in demand.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to access the product listing for further information on the affected product codes and potential alternatives.
- The supply issue is still anticipated to be resolved by 30 October 2023.
- The supply issue of pessary products from Mediplus Ltd is continuing.
- One further product code from supplier Medicare Colgate is now affected and unavailable to order:
- FUI85006 – Pessary.
- The remaining 23 product codes are suspended and unavailable to order.
- 24 codes affected in total.
- Please note are no alternative products available for nine of the affected product codes:
- FVC071, FVC1160, FVC1264, FVC127, FVC140, FVC141, FVC242, FVC271 and FVC378.
- Potential indirect alternative products are available to order for the remaining affected product codes through our online catalogue. However, some of these products may also become subject to intermittent supply with the increase in demand.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to access the product listing for further information on the affected product code and potential alternatives.
- The supply issue is anticipated to be resolved by 30 October 2023.
- The supply issue of pessary products with Mediplus Ltd is improving.
- 14 product codes are now available to order:
- FVC051, FVC055, FVC082, FVC098, FVC1105, FVC1156, FVC1159, FVC1245, FVC145, FVC1582, FVC1593, FVC161, FVC170 and FVC279.
- A further five products are now impacted by the supply issue:
- FVC048, FVC1121, FVC1588, FVC271 and FVC318.
- All of the affected product codes are suspended and unavailable to order.
- 23 product codes are affected in total.
- There are no alternative products available for nine product codes:
- FVC071, FVC1160, FVC1264, FVC127, FVC140, FVC141, FVC242, FVC271 and FVC378.
- Potential indirect alternative products for the remaining suspended codes are available to order through our online catalogue. However, some of these products may also become subject to intermittent supply with the increase in demand.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to access the product listing for further information on the affected product code and potential alternatives.
- The supply issue is now anticipated to be resolved by 30 October 2023.
- The supplier Mediplus Ltd has informed us that the supply issue with its pessary products is ongoing.
- One product code is now available to order, FVC048.
- A further 18 product codes are now suspended and unavailable to order.
- 32 product codes are affected in total.
- All of the affected product codes are suspended and unavailable to order.
- There are no alternative products available for 10 product codes:
- FVC242, FVC1160, FVC141, FVC140, FVC127, FVC378, FVC1245, FVC071, FVC1264 and FVC1105.
- Potential indirect alternative products for the remaining affected product codes are available to order. However, some of these products may also become subject to intermittent supply with the increase in demand.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to access the product listing for further information on the affected product code and potential alternatives.
- The supply issue is now anticipated to be resolved by 18 September 2023.
- The supplier Mediplus Ltd has informed us that the supply issue with its Pessary products has improved.
- 25 product codes are now available to order through our online catalogue.
- 15 product codes remain suspended and unavailable to order.
- There are no alternative products available for six product codes – FVC082, FVC085, FVC1160, FVC1245, FVC1283 and FVC378.
- Potential indirect alternative products for the remaining suspended codes are available to order through our online catalogue for the affected products. However, some of these products may also become subject to intermittent supply with the increase in demand.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to access the product listing for further information on the affected product codes and potential alternatives.
- The supply issue is anticipated to be resolved by 15 September 2023.
Please note that due to the clinical nature of these alternative products we advise you to consult your own clinical experts to ensure suitability for your organisations use of these products.
- The supplier Mediplus Ltd has informed us that the supply issue with its Pessary products is ongoing.
- 14 previously affected product codes are now suspended and unavailable to order.
- 40 product codes are affected in total and remain unavailable to order.
- There are no alternative products available for 18 product codes – FVC055, FVC071, FVC090, FVC098, FVC1264, FVC127, FVC140, FVC141, FVC145, FVC1593, FVC172, FVC242, FVC082, FVC085, FVC1160, FVC1245, FVC1283 and FVC378.
- Potential indirect alternative products are available to order through our online catalogue for the other affected product codes.
- The supply issue is anticipated to be resolved by 15 September 2023.
Please note that due to the clinical nature of these alternative products we advise you to consult your own clinical experts to ensure suitability for your organisations use of these products.
- The supplier Mediplus Ltd has informed us that the supply issue with its Pessary products has improved.
- 196 of the previously affected product codes are now available through our online catalogue.
- 26 affected product codes remain unavailable to order.
- There are no alternative products available for 12 product codes: FVC055, FVC071, FVC090, FVC098, FVC1264, FVC127, FVC140, FVC141, FVC145, FVC1593, FVC172 and FVC242.
- Potential indirect alternative products are available to order through our online catalogue for the other affected product codes.
- There are 26 codes affected in total.
- The supply issue is anticipated to be resolved by 7 August 2023.
- The supplier Mediplus Limited has informed us the supply issue is ongoing.
- Three product codes are now delisted and unavailable to order:
- FVC1192 – Pessary
- FVC266 – Pessary
- FVC269 – Pessary.
- Nine product codes remain suspended and unavailable to order:
- FVC048, FVC049, FVC082, FVC085, FVC087, FVC1124, FVC1283, FVC1588 and FVC1593.
- There are 222 product codes affected in total.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to access the product listing for further information on the affected product codes and potential alternatives.
- 177 of the affected product codes do not have alternatives available to order.
- The supply issue is anticipated to be resolved by 30 June 2023.
- The supplier Mediplus Limited has informed us the supply issue is ongoing.
- The supply issue is now anticipated to be resolved by 31 May 2023.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to access the product listing for further information on the affected product codes and potential alternatives.
- The supplier Mediplus Ltd has informed us that the supply issue with its Pessary products is still ongoing.
- 40 of the original 225 product codes are now suspended.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to access the product listing for further information on the affected product codes and potential alternatives.
- 180 of the affected product codes do not have alternatives available to order.
- The supply issue is anticipated to be resolved by 30 April 2023.
- The supplier Mediplus Ltd has informed us of a supply issue with its Pessary products. There are 225 product codes affected, including 22 NCP products.
- The supply issue is due to silicone shortages and an increase in demand due to another supplier having stock issues.
- The affected product codes are currently unavailable to order.
- Potential direct alternative products are available to order through our online catalogue.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to access the product listing for further information on the affected product codes and potential alternatives.
- The supply issue is anticipated to be resolved by March 2023.
Next Steps:
- Customers are advised to log into our website to view the potential direct alternative products.
- If you have any further questions, please contact your local NHS Supply Chain Customer Services Advisor.
Please note that due to the clinical nature of these alternative products we advise you to consult your own clinical experts to ensure suitability for your organisation’s use of these products.