Evolution of Our Target Operating Model Continues
In April 2022 we launched our procurement process for a new category management service, along with the transfer of operational responsibility for Personal Protective Equipment from the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC).
On 1 July 2022, another part of the Target Operating Model (TOM) evolution was achieved, as operational responsibility for Large Diagnostic Capital Equipment Including Mobile and Services (Category Tower 7) transitioned from DHL Life Sciences to NHS Supply Chain.
A future NHS Supply Chain needs to be:
- More flexible and resilient.
- Easier for our NHS partners to work with us.
- Strengthen relationships with suppliers.
- Bring even greater value to the health and care system.
- Excel in procurement.
- Connect supply chains.
Transitioning Category Tower 7 across will help to provide greater ability to connect the needs of clinicians with the activities around the sourcing of products, in this complex area.
The procurement process for a new category management service continues to gather pace and we remain on course to award contracts in early 2023, with implementation to commence from the summer of 2023.
In addition, this Autumn will see us commence the re-procurement of our Logistics and Fulfilment service and Information Technology service – existing contracts end in 2024. Both remain critical enablers of the new TOM.
Useful Links
Procurement Process Commences
Press Release - NHS Supply Chain formally launches the procurement process for new category management service.