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Delivered Ready Prepared Meals

Type: New Contract Category: Food Reference: 2023/S 000-021967 Supply Route: Direct
Start Date: 9 March 2024 Expiry Date: 8 March 2026

This framework starts on 9 March 2024, runs for 24 months and ends on 8 March 2026. There is an option to extend for an additional 24 months.

There are four lots on the framework. They are:

  • Lot 1 Standard Ready Prepared Meals
  • Lot 2 – Specialist Ready Prepared Meals
  • Lot 3 – Retail Ready Prepared Meals
  • Lot 4 – Small Community and Mental Health Site Provision.

For more information, please contact your NHS Supply Chain: Food Account Manager.

Savings opportunities

Invitation to Further Competition (ITFC) and Requests for Quotations (RFQs) can be run for an NHS trust purchasing through this framework. These involve re-opening a certain specification of products to tender to get a result that better matches the needs of a trust or several trusts, and potentially to get a better price.

The framework also allows for joint trust and Integrated Care System (ICS) contractual negotiations or further competitions to drive best value through increased volume.

Please talk to your NHS Supply Chain: Food Account Manager for more detail on these opportunities.

Social Value

Since April 2022 all our frameworks have adopted the Procurement Policy Notice 06/20. The suppliers on this framework have demonstrated their plans for:

  • Fighting Climate Change – reduction of waste.
  • Equal Opportunity – reducing risk of modern slavery.
  • Wellbeing – promoting physical and mental health wellbeing or volunteering.


Through this framework we are working with suppliers to:

  • Reduce the use of single use plastic and replace with fully recyclable packaging, where possible
  • To identify the carbon footprints of each menu and
  • Encourage the use of greener transportation processes.


All suppliers are UK based to reduce the impact of global supply challenges on product availability. To increase resilience the number of suppliers on the framework has increased from 15 to 31.

Our Category Management Team actively works with NHS trusts on a Framework Resilience and Contingency Plan to improve their resilience through promoting projects such as increasing storage space.

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  • Framework matrices

    An Excel file showing the product listing, supplier matrix and product matrix for this framework.
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