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Robotic Medical Equipment and Associated Accessories

Type: New Contract Category: Diagnostic Equipment and Services Reference: 2024/S 000-004668 Supply Route: Direct
Start Date: 15 July 2024 Expiry Date: 14 July 2026

This framework starts on 15 July 2024, runs for 24 months and ends on 14 July 2026. There is an option to extend for an additional 24 months.

Areas covered

The robotics framework provides a compliant purchasing route for robotic medical/surgical equipment. It is the only route to access the Department for Health and Social Care’s Capital Equipment Fund for robotics products.

The framework covers three Lots:

Lot 1 – Surgical Robots

Lot 2 – Spinal and Neurological Robots

Lot 3 – Freestanding Robotic Arms


We supply robots used in two surgical settings:

  • Minimally Invasive Surgery.
  • Spinal / Neurological.

What type of surgical procedures can robot assisted surgery be used for and what are the benefits?

The robotic systems within the Minimally Invasive surgical setting can be used to perform prostate removal, hysterectomies, thyroid cancer removal, gastric bypass, and a variety of other surgical procedures.

This type of assisted surgery is associated with:

  • reduced reported postoperative pain and faster recovery times
  • more effective use of resources
  • savings for hospitals due to shorter stays
  • reduced risk of wound infections, adhesion formation and postoperative hernias
  • better cosmetic results.

Equipment listed under the Spinal/Neurological surgery line can be used for spine or brain surgery, offering fully integrated procedural solutions for surgical planning, workflow, execution and confirmation.

How does robotic surgery work?
Most surgery is performed using a master-slave system that allows the surgeon to sit at a console and control the movements of multiple robotic arms providing a safer and less stressful working position for the surgeon which will potentially reduce incidences of back, shoulder and neck injury.

Savings opportunities

Savings can be achieved by volume banding, Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) commitment deals, Multi Trust Aggregations (MTA), and Value Based Procurement. Please contact the Category Manager for further information.

Net Zero and Social Value

Since April 2022 all our frameworks have adopted the Procurement Policy Notice 06/20. The suppliers on this framework have demonstrated their plans for:

  • Fighting climate change
  • Equal opportunity.

All suppliers on the Framework have Carbon Reduction Plans. Examples within different plans include measures to reduce packaging waste, moving to electric car fleets and reductions in Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions.

See our Downloads ▼ section for the Product Matrix showing details of the systems available to purchase.

Ordering Direct Products

All robotic surgery products are available via Direct supply with a 12-to-16-week lead time from order date.

To order, you will need to obtain a quotation through NHS Supply Chain to benefit from National Framework Agreement Pricing.

To place an order, first contact our Category Manager, who will give you a Unique Reference Number (URN) to detail on your purchase order.

For an informal discussion about the surgical robots available via NHS Supply Chain, and for advice on the process for obtaining quotations, URNs or ordering equipment, please contact:

James Cater

Category Manager - Diagnostics Equipment and Services

07562 210 388