Become a Supplier
NHS Supply Chain brings certain benefits to suppliers that no other route to market can provide.
We deliver the following to our suppliers:
- Reduced point of sales, a single route to market for suppliers instead of ‘knocking on more than 250 NHS trust doors’. This is a key benefit for SMEs in particular.
- Specialist procurement conversations with suppliers. Our Category teams have buying teams which have specialist knowledge of their product areas.
- Regional distribution centres with over 10,000 stocked lines which allow for increased Supply Chain resilience.
- Suppliers are involved in the development of category and sourcing strategies, which are approved by our cross functional teams.
- NHS Supply Chain has a dedicated Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) team who engage regularly with suppliers, face to face, via this website and at a variety of national and regional events.
- Clearer route for innovative products into NHS Supply Chain through better links with and collaboration with national programmes, such as the National Wound Care Strategy.
We deliver the following for our customers:
- Individual ICS Managers (formerly known as Customer Relationship Managers) for each trust to assist identifying where product savings are available.
- Consolidated deliveries of Stocked and Blue Diamond items picked and packed for individual wards or departments.
- Consolidated weekly invoicing for trusts.
- Commitment to sustainability with the aim of helping the NHS reach ‘net zero’.
- NHS Supply Chain: Logistics is included for all suppliers.
See our Useful Links section for detailed information about the contract and tender process that we follow.
Want to join our supply chain?
There are a number of actions you should take to learn more about us, and how you can become a supplier.