Product Update GOJO Industries Hand Hygiene and Associated Products and Services (ICN 2523)
Important Customer Notice Update
GOJO UK, supplier of the Purrell brand of hand hygiene and associated products and services, has gone into administration, along with its European manufacturing sites. Supply into the UK has ceased and we will not be receiving any further GOJO products.
Our stock of GOJO products will run out, however, recent analysis shows that this will not be as soon as November 2024, as per our original calculation. All customers should still have a switching plan in place by now.
Customer action required
If you do not have a switching plan in place:
- Contact your preferred supplier to discuss switching options and timescales.
- Complete and submit our Demand Capture form with your initial bulk install quantity and annual demand as soon as possible, otherwise this will impact a smooth installation process. This should be reviewed by your preferred supplier prior to sending to:
Core Admin Support
See our Downloads ▼ section to:
- View details of the options available and the contact details for suppliers.
- Access the Demand Capture form.
Support is also available via our hand hygiene mailbox.
If you require a bulk order for your installation:
- Please submit a Demand Capture form for the additional volumes required, if these were not included in your original Demand Capture form, to:
Core Admin Support
- We require 10 working days to bring stock into our warehouses, so please factor this in when planning your installations.
- When you are ready to place your initial bulk order, please email Core Admin Support who will check that we have the stock available and will then place the order on your behalf. This will ensure that the order is managed through the system without it being demand managed to your daily threshold.
For any other order related queries, please contact your local Customer Services Advisor who will be able to support you.
How we’re supporting
As soon as GOJO notified us of an emerging risk to its business, we initiated a working group consisting of Resilience team colleagues and senior leaders across our organisation to assess the supply position and alternatives. We have also been working closely with GOJO, NHS England and the Department of Health and Social Care.
We continue to work with our suppliers to ensure continuity of supply of hand hygiene products.
See our Downloads ▼ section to view the regularly updated product matrix of affected products with alternatives.
Demand management
- GOJO personal use and free standing products are no longer being demand managed. Once these are out of stock, they will not be replenished with GOJO products and instead alternative suppliers should be considered.
- A few critical GOJO cartridges remain demand managed. This is to ensure fair allocation across the remaining customers still using GOJO products.
- For non-GOJO products, demand management remains in place on a limited number of alternative suppliers’ products. This is to manage the transition and installation of customers nationally and to ensure there is continuity of supply across these product ranges.
- We will continue to review demand managed products.
Please contact our Customer Services team for any support or queries related to demand management and orders.
For all other queries, including those related to supplier installations. please contact us via our hand hygiene mailbox.
Hand Hygiene
We will continue to regularly update this ICN as the supply disruption evolves.
Latest updates:
- Demand management has been removed from all Ecolab and Essity products.
- We will continue to review all remaining products being demand managed.
- We are currently experiencing intermittent supply issues with:
- MTH85005 – Cleanser alcohol hand rub Liquid Bottle 500ml with Pump Top Fragrance Free.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to access the product matrix for further information on the affected product codes and potential alternatives under the Supply Issues Alternatives tab.
- Demand management has been removed from GOJO personal use and free standing products. Once these are out of stock, they will not be replenished with GOJO products and instead alternative suppliers should be considered.
- A few critical GOJO cartridges remain demand managed. This is to ensure fair allocation across the remaining customers still using GOJO products.
- For non-GOJO products, demand management remains in place on a limited number of alternative suppliers’ products. This is to manage the transition and installation of customers nationally and to ensure there is continuity of supply across these product ranges.
- We will continue to review demand management of these products and communicate any changes.
- Due to a huge increase in demand, we are currently experiencing intermittent supply of demand managed product code MRB1172 – Cleanser alcohol hand rub foam bottle 750ml for dispenser use with MRB1047. An alternative in the interim is product code MTH85011 – Cleanser alcohol hand rub Gel Cartridge 750ml for Use with MRB1047.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to access the product matrix for further information on the affected product codes and potential alternatives.
- GOJO stock will run out, however, recent analysis shows that this will not be as soon as November 2024, as per our original calculations.
- 88 trusts have completed their installations, with 67 underway and 11 scheduled. 123 trusts have not informed NHS Supply Chain of their installation plans.
- Customers do still need to ensure they have a switching plan and support is available for those who do not yet have one in place.
- GOJO product which was purchased through NHS Supply Chain may be returned. However, mutual aid between trusts is the preferred option so please liaise with your ICS Manager.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to access the webinar slides which include further detail on our returns policy, current stock position and installations data.
- The recently updated product matrix reflects changes to the Hand Hygiene framework for products that have been delisted or moved to a stocked route of supply.
- We have managed to source stock for some previously delisted GOJO products. These products are now available to order while stocks last.
- Three product codes have moved to a stocked route of supply:
- MTH003 – Hand wash 250ml Foam Bottle. This product code has been reinstated at the request of numerous trusts.
- MTH85010 – Cleanser alcohol hand rub Gel Bottle 100ml for Personal Use.
- MTH85005 – Cleanser alcohol hand rub Liquid Bottle 500ml with Pump Top Fragrance Free.
- MRB1249, MRB116 and MTH85163 have been delisted from our online catalogue as these products are no longer available. Alternative products, MRB473, MRB250 and MRB225 are listed as alternatives and are available to order.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to access the product matrix for further information on the affected product codes and potential alternatives.
- The recently updated product matrix reflects changes to the Hand Hygiene framework for products that have been delisted.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to access the product matrix for further information on the affected product codes and potential alternatives.
- As a reminder, customers need to ensure they have transitioned to their chosen supplier by November 2024, when stock of GOJO products will run out.
- To ensure we can support customers effectively through this period, please use the following contact points depending on the type of support required:
- For order and / or demand management queries (including installation bulk orders and threshold reviews for demand managed products) please contact your NHS Supply Chain Customer Services Advisor.
- To arrange your installation or for related queries please contact your chosen supplier directly. Please also ensure you validate and verify any new demand volumes with the supplier ahead of placing your order.
- For any general hand hygiene queries not already covered in the FAQs or to raise any supplier issues or escalations please contact –
Hand Hygiene
- Please note we endeavour to respond to emails sent to this mailbox within 24 – 72 hours during the working week.
- To support customers during the transition to new suppliers, we have secured a one-off donation of product from GOJO US to ensure we have stock of key lines through to November 2024 when our stock of GOJO products will run out.
- New product codes have been set up for these products:
- MTH85197 replaces MRB384 for use in GOJO TFX dispensers.
- MTH85198 replaces MRB382 for use in GOJO FMX dispensers
- MTH85199 replaces MRB787 for use in GOJO ADX dispensers.
- Two B. Braun products have been suspended due to delays in obtaining raw materials slowing down production:
- MRB205 – Hand wash Liquid bottle 100ml fragrance free
- MRB256 – Dispensers and Accessories Retractable clip for use with MRB116 and MRB255.
- Braun has advised that the supply issue is anticipated to resolved by 31 October 2024.
- Should you experience any ordering issues with any hand hygiene products please contact your NHS Supply Chain Customer Services Advisor and not the supplier. For any bulk order queries please contact:
Core Admin Support
- See our Downloads ▼ section to access the product matrix for further information on the affected product codes and potential alternatives.
- To ensure that we can provide you with sufficient stock to support your installation, please ensure that you have followed these steps:
- If you require an initial bulk order for your installation, please submit a demand capture form for these additional volumes (note this is in addition to your weekly / annual figures already submitted in your original demand capture). Please send this to our Core Admin Support email address. We require 10 working days to bring this stock into our warehouses, so please factor this in when planning your installations.
Core Admin Support
- Once the above step has been completed and you are ready to place your initial bulk order, please email Core Admin Support who will check that we have the stock available and will then place the order on your behalf. This will ensure that the order is managed through the system without it being demand managed to your daily threshold.
- For any other order related queries, please contact your local Customer Services Advisor who will be able to support you.
- If you require an initial bulk order for your installation, please submit a demand capture form for these additional volumes (note this is in addition to your weekly / annual figures already submitted in your original demand capture). Please send this to our Core Admin Support email address. We require 10 working days to bring this stock into our warehouses, so please factor this in when planning your installations.
- MRB473 – Cleanser alcohol hand rub liquid bottle 50ml, is currently being manufactured at a slower rate due to SC Johnson strategically prioritising production of some of its other hand hygiene products. Customers should therefore consider switching to MRB250 – Cleanser alcohol hand rub foam bottle 47ml.
- MRB1267 and MRB1268 are now delisted from our online catalogue.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to access the product matrix for further information on the affected product codes and potential alternatives on the supply issue alternatives and delisted product alternatives tabs.
- GOJO Industries Europe Ltd – the European production site based in France – went into liquidation on 15 July 2024 and all production has ceased. We will not be receiving any further products from France.
- Our stock of GOJO products will run out in November 2024 and from now on more products will have their status changed to become available while stocks last.
- Customers need to ensure they have a switching plan before this date and support is available for those who do not yet have one in place.
- Please submit your demand capture form with your initial bulk install quantity and annual demand as soon as possible. This should be reviewed by your preferred supplier prior to sending to:
Hand Hygiene
- It is important to ensure your demand capture form includes your initial bulk order quantity otherwise this will impact a smooth installation process.
- The following Essity Blue Diamond products have moved to the Stocked route to facilitate a smooth transition during the installation process and are now available to order:
- MTH85042 – Moisturiser Sensitive Hand Cream 75ml
- MRB85011 – Cleanser alcohol hand rub Gel bottle 80ml
- MRB85010 – Hand wash Foam cartridge 1000ml for dispenser use fragrance free
- MTH85174 – Cleanser alcohol hand rub Foam cartridge 80% denatured alcohol 950ml for use in the Essity S4 dispenser
- MTH85040 – Cleanser alcohol hand rub Gel Cartridge 1000ml for Use with the Essity Dispenser.
- The following product is no longer suspended and is available to order. It has moved from the Blue Diamond to the Stocked route:
- MRB85012 – Cleanser alcohol hand rub Gel bottle 500ml wall mountable.
- All stocked products across the Hand Hygiene framework agreement, apart from some personal use items, remain under demand management to ensure effective stock availability across trusts. However, we are regularly reviewing this.
- This includes the products that have moved from the Blue Diamond to the Stocked route highlighted in this update.
- One further product code is currently suspended and unavailable to order:
- MRB473 – Cleanser alcohol hand rub Liquid bottle 50ml.
- MRB250 is the preferred alternative for MRB473 during this time, with SC Johnson strategically prioritising production of MRB250 to allow customer demand to be met. This alternative is also under Protect Demand Management.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to access the product matrix for further information on the affected product codes and potential alternatives on the supply issue alternatives and demand management tabs.
- SC Johnson and B. Braun are strategically prioritising production of some of their lines to meet increased customer demand. To do this, they have suspended production of other current lines.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to access the product matrix for further information on the affected product codes and potential alternatives on the supply issue alternatives tab.
- Please note that due to the clinical nature of these alternative products we advise you to consult your own clinical experts to ensure suitability for your organisation’s use of these products.
- All stocked products across the Hand Hygiene framework agreement, with the exception of some
personal use items, remain under demand management to ensure effective stock availability across trusts. However we are regularly reviewing this. - The supply issue is anticipated to be resolved by 30 November 2024.
- As we manage the reduction of GOJO inbound and prepare for the transition to alternative supply of hand hygiene products we are identifying the products within our catalogue that will eventually be removed. To support this, some GOJO products have been made Available While Stocks Last and remain under demand management.
- All stocked products across the Hand Hygiene framework agreement, with the exception of some personal use items, are being placed under demand management to ensure effective stock availability across trusts.
- On some hand hygiene product lines we are experiencing a significant increase in demand, in excess of usual ordering patterns.
- Customers are reminded of the importance of completing the demand capture form to ensure we have visibility of your requirements and to contact your Customer Services Advisor with any escalations.
- To meet the increased demand as customers switch away from GOJO products, suppliers are suspending production of some of their current lines to focus on producing others. The suppliers have provided the alternatives that are being strategically prioritised.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to access the product matrix for further information on the affected product codes and potential alternatives.
- Please note that due to the clinical nature of these alternative products we advise you to consult your own clinical experts to ensure suitability for your organisation’s use of these products.
- We have added three SpectrumX alcohol free hand sanitisers to our catalogue to support customers who may be considering these. Details of these products are available on the Hand Hygiene contract information page product listing.
- See our Useful Links section to view the Hand Hygiene contract information page.
- The Alternative Product Matrix Dispenser to Dispenser Options has been updated to reflect the removal of Ecolab dispenser costs.
- MRB472 – cleanser alcohol hand rub liquid bottle 400ml – is currently out of stock as the supplier, SC Johnson is having to prioritise production of its products.
- Customers are advised to switch to MRB350 – Cleanser alcohol hand rub Foam bottle 400ml fits Deb bed end bracket.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to access the product matrix for further information on the affected product codes and potential alternatives.
- The product matrix has been updated to provide a consolidated view of all:
- Affected GOJO products
- Products subject to demand management and available alternatives
- Products experiencing supply issues and available alternatives
- Delisted products and available alternatives.
- Please note that due to the clinical nature of these alternative products we advise you to consult your own clinical experts to ensure suitability for your organisation’s use of these products.
- There are alcohol free products that customers can consider from our catalogue, and we advise you to consult your own clinical experts to ensure suitability for your organisation’s use of these products. If you would like further information on specification and the awarded suppliers, please contact:
Hand Hygiene
- Stock levels of MRB382 are lower than other products in this range.
- This product code is subject to Protect Demand Management and customers may see their orders being reduced.
- Customers are to consider supplementing their supplies with MRB1268, review other available options, and to switch to one of the alternatives or a freestanding option wherever possible.
- We are expecting inbound stock, at which point demand management levels will be reviewed.
- Three freestanding or handheld products have been placed on protect demand management as part of our ongoing management of the GOJO situation and to ensure their continued availability for customers. They are:
- MRB473 – Cleanser alcohol hand rub Liquid bottle 50ml
- MRB603 – Hand wash Liquid bottle 500ml fragrance free
- MRB057 – Cleanser alcohol hand rub Liquid bottle 500ml wall mountable with integral pump
- One product code is now subject to intermittent supply:
- MRB821 – Hand wash Foam bottle 1000ml
- One product code is currently suspended and unavailable to order:
- MRB85012 – Cleanser alcohol hand rub Gel bottle 500ml wall mountable
- One product code is available while stocks last:
- MTH007 Cleanser alcohol hand rub Gel Cartridge 70% denatured ethanol 1000ml for dispenser use
- Potential indirect alternative products are available to order through our online catalogue for the affected products.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to access the product listing for further information on the affected product codes and potential alternatives.
- The Freestanding or Handheld Product Alternatives Matrix has been updated to include additional products to ensure we can support our customers with a variety of Free-standing alternatives during this challenging time.
- We have also added the Dispenser to Dispenser Options Overview to include further information about the installation options offered by Ecolab.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to view the updated matrices.
- We remain committed to keeping customers informed throughout this process. We are hosting weekly customer update sessions every Thursday, between 10am and 10.30am.
- If you have not received an invite and would like to attend, please contact –
Hand Hygiene
- The following Blue Diamond products have moved to the stocked route and are now available to order:
- MRB1267, MRB1268, MRB1269, MRB996, MRB997 and MTH85163.
- These products are being demand managed to ensure fair allocation of stock.
- An updated tranche list for GOJO transition has been added to this ICN.
- See our Downloads ▼ section for the latest GOJO transition tranche list dated 12 June 2024.
- Please continue to review the FAQs which we will update weekly.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to view the latest version.
- Please continue to review and follow the information provided in the ICN update issued on 31 May 2024 which provides further details and guidance on the situation.
- Please continue to review and follow the information provided in the ICN update issued on 31 May 2024.
- An updated tranche list for GOJO transition has been added to this ICN.
- See our Downloads ▼ section for the lastest Gojo transition tranche list dated 7 June 2024.
- Following the customer webinar held on Tuesday 4 June 2024, we have updated the FAQs. We will continue to do this after each webinar with the questions raised. These will be available by the Wednesday following the webinar.
- Some questions are still being worked through and will be answered in the next FAQ update.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to view the latest version of the FAQs.
- The slides from each of the customer webinars will also be added to this ICN.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to view the recent customer webinar dated 4 June 2024.
- We have produced an FAQs document related to questions we have recently received from customers.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to view the latest version.
- We are holding a further customer webinar at 2pm on Tuesday 4 June 2024 and will update the FAQs with any further questions.
- Please continue to review and follow the information provided in the ICN update issued on 31 May 2024.
- We will update this ICN regularly when we have further updates, which will likely be weekly.
- NHS Supply Chain continues to work in collaboration with GoJo, NHS England, customer groups, the supplier base, and relevant departments to assess the supply position and alternative options.
- We are committed to keeping customers informed throughout this process by conducting webinars, engagement sessions with high ordering users, and communicating directly. We will shortly be releasing an FAQs document on questions we have recently received from customers and holding a further customer webinar at 2pm on Tuesday 4 June 2024.
- Trust Impact Statements and the Product Alternatives Matrix for both dispensers’ options and freestanding products are being issued imminently, if not already. Please review these documents to support your switching plan.
- For freestanding or handheld alternatives, as a measure in low-risk environments, we recommend switching as soon as possible.
- For dispenser product transition, we are introducing a strategy to maximise the duration of available GoJo stockholding via a structured tranche method, starting with the trusts with the highest ordering volumes. This will allow us to optimise the preservation of existing stock for lower volume users. Tranche detail will be included with the Trust Impact Statements and available through your ICS Manager.
- Switching will be facilitated through your ICS Manager, involving an enhanced demand capture process to ensure we have visibility of intended supplier switches. Our aim is to support customers switching usage from GoJo products within the next four months.
- Please note that demand management will continue throughout June and July. One further product is being demand managed, being the MRB1368 Moisturiser Cream Tube 148ml.
- Customers are asked to conduct risk assessments to inform their approach to switching suppliers and the use of alternatives to wall mounted dispensers. The risk assessment should have IPC, patient safety, clinical and estates and facilities management input.
- Customers should be aware that the time / resourcing of fitters is likely to constrain the speed at which trusts can switch and therefore you should identify which areas / wards / services can switch first.
- If migration to an alternative supplier is already underway, please continue the switching process and share via the demand capture form.
- All demand capture forms are to be submitted via the dedicated email address. Any queries or escalations should also be sent to this email address:
Hand Hygiene
- See our Downloads ▼ section for the product alternative matrices, demand capture form and the slides from the customer webinar held on 29 May 2024.
- See our Downloads ▼ section to view the NHS England letter sent to all trusts on 23 May 2024 relating to next steps and risk assessment.
- We will update this ICN regularly when we have further updates, which will likely be weekly.
- NHS Supply Chain is continuing to work closely with Gojo and relevant departments to assess the supply position and alternative options.
- We have held discussions with all suppliers on the framework to understand their ability to increase production and timescales, and their installation capacity. We are working to produce a product alternatives matrix to show the options available.
- We continue to work in partnership with Gojo and its administrators to source and obtain any additional stock.
- There is no immediate risk to supply of the affected products.
Products Affected:
- There are 39 affected products supplied by NHS Supply Chain.
- Demand Management has been applied to the affected products to prevent over ordering and ensure fair allocation of stock.
- There are 10 Blue Diamond products, 6 are being moved to the stocked route within the next 2 weeks (MRB1267, MRB1268, MRB1269, MRB996, MRB997 and MTH85163), the other 4 are being delisted due to low demand.
- 11 free standing hand sanitisers are also subject to Demand Management to protect supply of these products whilst we increase further stockholding.
- See our Downloads ▼ section for more information on the products affected.
Next Steps:
- If you have previously purchased affected products from other distributors, please engage with them in the first instance.
- Customers should continue to order at normal levels.
- Orders for volumes above normal usage will be reduced or cancelled.
- Where possible, aim to utilise a single requisition point to place orders per delivery location for the affected products. This will enable control over internal distribution for these products.
- Customer ordering behaviour is vital to the successful management of this issue, so please adhere to the guidance being provided. Adverse customer ordering behaviour may negatively affect supply and hinder resilience planning currently underway.
- If you have any questions or queries about Demand Management, please contact your local NHS Supply Chain Customer Services Advisor.
- Trust Impact Statements and the product alternatives matrix will be issued by 29 May 2024.
- Customers should review these and ensure you have a switching plan in place for your trust.
- Customers will be asked to complete a demand capture form.
- If you have any queries or questions related to switching, please contact our Hospital Care team.
- Gojo Industries Europe Ltd entered administration on 30 April 2024. This will result in Gojo being under the control of Administrators and their probable withdrawal from EU and UK markets.
- Gojo products (brand name ‘Purell’) will be impacted. This includes inserts (gel, foam, liquid products such as soap), dispensers, and associated wall brackets.
- NHS Supply Chain is working closely with Gojo and relevant departments to assess the supply position and alternative options.
- There is no immediate risk to supply of the affected products.
Products Affected:
- There are 39 affected products supplied by NHS Supply Chain.
- Demand Management has been applied to the affected products to prevent over ordering and ensure fair allocation of stock.
- 11 free standing hand sanitisers are also subject to Demand Management to protect supply of these products.
- See our Downloads ▼ section for more information on the products affected.
Next Steps:
- If you have previously purchased affected products from other distributors, please engage with them in the first instance.
- Customers should continue to order at normal levels.
- Orders for volumes above normal usage will be reduced or cancelled.
- Where possible, aim to utilise a single requisition point to place orders per delivery location for the affected products. This will enable control over internal distribution for these products.
- Customer ordering behaviour is vital to the successful management of this issue, so please adhere to the guidance being provided. Adverse customer ordering behaviour may negatively affect supply and hinder resilience planning currently underway.
- If you have any questions or queries about Demand Management, please contact your local NHS Supply Chain Customer Services Advisor.
- Gojo Industries notified NHS Supply Chain of an emerging risk regarding all their hand hygiene and associated products and services on 26 April 2024.
- Customers are to be assured that we are aware of the emerging situation and have initiated a working group consisting of Resilience team colleagues and senior leaders across the organisation.
- We are working with Gojo and all relevant departments and will update customers as the situation evolves.
- There is no immediate risk to supply of the affected products.
- Customers are to continue ordering as normal.
Products Affected:
- We will issue a full product listing with affected products once we have all the relevant information.
- Demand management has been applied to a high threshold on some products to reduce the risk of over ordering and ensure fair allocation.
- Please see our download section on products that may be subject to order intervention.
Next Steps:
- All Gojo products remain available to order and customers are to continue ordering as per normal.
- We will update this ICN regularly as more information becomes available.