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Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy

Type: New Contract Category: Rehabilitation and Community Reference: 294971/1238914 Supply Route: Stocked, Blue Diamond, eDirect
Start Date: 31 October 2024 Expiry Date: 30 October 2026

The framework for Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy starts on 31 October 2024, runs for 24 months and ends on 30 October 2026. This includes a 24 month extension.

A wide range of physiotherapy and occupational therapy products are available on this framework supporting the treatment, management and rehabilitation of patients and providing continuity of care from hospital to home.

Products are used by patients for the short term treatment of reversible conditions and for long term chronic patients who require a personalised physiotherapy plan to help maintain independence and mobility.

We have expanded product ranges to provide greater product coverage and choice to meet the needs of customers. There are over 600 products on this new framework, including over 100 new products from incumbent and new suppliers.

There are two lots on the Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy framework:

  • Lot 1 covers acupuncture, electrotherapy, general exercise equipment, cold and hot therapy, massage products, posture and balance products, and strapping and associated products.
  • Lot 2: offers continuous passive motion (CPM) machines, large exercise machines and robotic.

The products on lot 2 will be extended based on customer demand.

Savings opportunities
A National Pricing Matrix (NPM) from the supplier Meglio is expected to be available by Q1 2025, which will allow savings opportunities for customers who are able to consolidate their purchasing. The framework will also include Compare and Save and banded pricing opportunities within the same timescales.

If you are interested in making savings via the NPM, please contact your Hospital Care team representative.

Net zero and social value
From April 2022 all of our frameworks have adopted the Procurement Policy Notice 06/20.

Sustainability, net zero and social value are important elements in how we build our framework offering through the procurement process, tendering, supplier award and contract management. There are five mandatory requirements for suppliers to address supporting compliance with relevant PPNs and NHS England policy.

  • Carbon Reduction Plan (PPN 06/21)
  • Evergreen Assessment
  • Modern Slavery Assessment (PPN 02/23)
  • Social Value (PPN 06/20)
  • NHS England Net Zero Roadmap.

Awarded suppliers meet the current milestones on the net zero roadmap and have awareness and understanding of future milestones.

As part of the tender process the suppliers were asked the following social value questions and have committed to KPIs which will form part of NHS Supply Chain’s contract management programme.

  • Social Value Question 1: Fighting Climate Change – ‘Please describe the Carbon or Environmental Impact of the product which is the subject of this procurement? How through the lifetime of the contract will you measure and reduce this impact?’
  • Social Value Question 2: Equal Opportunity (Modern Slavery). ‘Please describe the Modern Slavery issues within the supply chain related to the product which is the subject of this procurement? How through the lifetime of the contract will you identify, mitigate and manage modern slavery risks and improve the impact you are having in the areas identified at risk of Modern Slavery?
  • Social Value Question 3 – Tackling Economic Inequality. Please describe the Economic Inequality issues within the supply chain related to the product which is the subject of this procurement. How through the lifetime of the contract will you measure and improve the impact you are having in the highlighted inequality?

Sustainable opportunities

Suppliers were required to confirm actions undertaken to reduce their carbon footprint at point of tender submission.

Suppliers were also asked to detail what action had been undertaken to reduce plastic packaging and offering products in recyclable packaging.


Our increased knowledge of the global manufacturing base following COVID-19 and subsequent global supply challenges means we are better able to identify potential risks and mitigate them by building resilience into our sourcing strategies.

For this framework we have increased the number of SMEs many of which have a stock holding in the UK / Europe. Fast moving lines, such as hot and cold ice packs and resistance bands are available through our Stocked route.

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  • Framework Matrices Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy

    An Excel spreadsheet detailing the products included and those removed from this framework.
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