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Single-Use Plastic Removal – Next Phase

3 July 2023

Are you ready for the upcoming DEFRA ban?

As the DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) ban is fast approaching, due to take effect on 1 October 2023, we are dedicated to ensuring trusts have up-to-date information and access to alternative products. We have periodically been updating our Catering Consumables Brochure to reflect these changes including links to reusable products that are available through our compliant frameworks.

What you should do next
Our local Hospital Care Team is prepared to assist you in navigating these changes. They can provide a trust impact analysis detailing which items are being delisted, mapped alternatives, and price impact. Collaborate with your local Hospital Care Team to identify the best-fit products for your trust.

Plastic waste

Importance of completing a Demand Capture
After deciding on new products, we will require you to complete a demand capture form for your upcoming purchases (this is critical for us to be able to manage supply efficiently).

See our Useful Links section for a link and complete a demand capture form. Please send it to:

Facilities and Office Solutions team

The demand capture process aids suppliers in anticipating product demand, allowing them to maintain appropriate stock levels. It’s instrumental in projecting future demand, ensuring resilience, and helping to avoid potential supply issues.

Please send all completed demand capture forms via our Hospital Care Team or Customer Service Advisor to switch to any new products.

16 February 2023

Single-Use Plastic Removal – Next Phase

Following the Government announcement that single-use plastics – including plastic cutlery, plates and polystyrene trays – will be banned from October 2023, NHS England (NHSE) has produced their new catering consumables ‘how to guide’.

See our Useful Links section for a link to the Government announcement in full and the NHSE guide, accessible via the Central Commercial Function (CCF) Hub on the ‘FutureNHS’ portal.

The guide outlines some easy steps that trusts can take to switch to reusable catering consumables.

A switch from single-use sets to a reusable type could save the average NHS hospital 50-100 tonnes CO2e a year, equivalent to around 185,000 car miles, and could mean potential savings of £30,000 per year. The guide includes support on switching to reusable catering consumables and guidance. 

See our Downloads ▼ section to view our Catering Consumables – Alternatives Brochure. We are working with our Procurement teams to update this in line with the announcement – however, a wealth of sustainable alternative products are still available to order.

14 January 2023

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) Announcement

In line with the announcement made by Defra on Saturday 14 January 2023, we will be implementing some fundamental changes to our Catering Equipment and Consumables framework imminently.

We continue our work to support the reduction of avoidable single-use plastics in the NHS and are committed to ensuring that the product range available is fit for purpose, now and in the future.

Over the next few weeks, we will be working closely with our framework suppliers and NHS England to ensure that we are prepared to manage a smooth transition and provide support for trusts as we see these products come to the end of the product lifecycle.

If you have any feedback on the products you would like to see included within the range, or have a particular product concern you would like to discuss please contact our Hotel Services team.

Facilities and Office Solutions team

See our Downloads ▼ section to view the current Catering Consumables – Alternatives Brochure.

You may find some of our products and disposal methods are currently out of date, however, we are working on an updated version in line with the Defra announcement.

31 October 2022

As part of the NHS’s drive to become net zero by 2045, one of NHS Supply Chain’s sustainability priorities is the ongoing commitment to reduce the use of plastics in the products we supply to NHS trusts.

NHS Supply Chain: Hotel Services team has been focusing on this over the last 18 months by reducing the number of plastics including our range of expanded polystyrene (EPS) products available on the Catering Consumables and Equipment framework.

From February 2023 the team plans to take the big step of removing several single-use plastics (SUP) in the range ahead of anticipated legislative changes.

This change will affect some key categories including all EPS products, all plastic cutlery, and some food packaging.

We are removing these products in February ahead of expected legislation changes. The reason for this is to prepare the market to ensure our suppliers have capabilities to deliver the changes and so NHS trusts have sufficient time to provide feedback on the proposed changes and product alternatives.

NHS Supply Chain: Hotel Services will provide specific details of all the affected products in due course, currently estimated for mid-December.  

Downloads ▼

  • Catering Consumables - Alternatives Brochure

    A brochure detailing alternative products, affected by the Defra plastics ban.
  • Demand Capture Form - Catering Consumables

    An excel file to capture new demand for catering consumables.