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Customer Newsletter – December 2024

Welcome to our bi-monthly customer newsletter, bringing together our latest news and updates in an easy to read format. We would welcome your feedback on any topics you would like us to include in future editions. You can do this by contacting:

Customer and Supplier Communications

Taking You on the Journey of Our New Online Catalogue

Watch our video showing how we are collaborating with our customers to design and build our new online catalogue and see how you can get involved in it’s development.

We are looking for new trusts who would like to gain early access to search and browse the new catalogue.

Laptop showing new digital commerce website homepage

Six Trusts Have Now Gone Live with Our Inventory Management System

Read how we’re helping manage stock better, reducing costs, and improving patient safety.

Bringing a Patient and Trust’s Experience of Apos® to Life

This NICE recommended medical footwear device is clinically proven to relieve pain, and improve function in the lower back. Watch our video.

Hydrobubble PEP Treatment for Chest Physiotherapy Now Available to Order

An innovation product, co-created and trialled by nurses, designed for children with Cystic Fibrosis and those with chest conditions.

Introducing Our New Midwife Jo Birtwhistle

Read about Jo’s first three months in her Clinical Engagement Manager role after working as a midwife for 20 years.

Christmas Bank Holiday Deliveries

We will be closed for ordering and deliveries on 25-26 December 2024 and 1 January 2025. Make sure you have plans in place, so that you have the products you need.

Help Us to Deliver a Successful Christmas

Roll cages are a critical resource and shortages significantly impact our ability to provide a satisfactory service, especially during the Bank Holiday period.

Clinical Quality Assurance Dashboard Goes Live

Utilising our clinical quality standards, this dashboard has been designed to provide up-to-date insight into how each of our frameworks are progressing.

New Non-executive Director Appointed to SCCL Board

Devyani Vaishampayan replaces outgoing NED Heather Benjamin. She brings a wealth of HR, AI, climate/sustainability and commercial expertise, to NHS Supply Chain.

Voice of the Customer Team

Customer Voice in Category Strategy Programme

We’re looking for experts in the product areas of Chlorine Tablets, Environmental Decontamination, and Infusion Pumps and Administration Sets, to help us design and develop the right procurement strategies

Mapping of Healthcare Professionals in Procurement

Please complete our survey run in collaboration with the Clinical Procurement Specialist Network (CPSN).

Clinical Alternative Products Support

The outputs from the weekly Clinical Alternatives Products Support Call are detailed on this page.

Register to Join Our Customer Panels

If you would like to be an attendee at one of our key panels or working groups, please complete this form.